Realtors and Real Estate Investors
Realtor and Real Estate Investor Accountant and CPA Services in Desoto County
Another target area for The McIngvale CPA Firm is Realtor and Real Estate Investor tax returns.

Realtors are often taxed at higher rates because of their independent contractor status, which subjects them to self-employment taxes. Thus, tax planning and accurate income tax preparation are especially important for these engines of our local community.
As independent contractors, Realtors are eligible for deductions similar to small business owners. Thus, deductions for auto expenses, advertising, license fees, board dues, brokerage fees, meals and entertainment, client gifts, etc are all examined as part of working with The McIngvale CPA Firm. We have a brochure specific to Realtors to assist in educating about eligible deductions. Call our office today and request one; we will put it in the mail to you that day.
Real Estate Investors own, in our opinion, one of the greatest investment assets this country offers. With that investment comes considerable tax complexity. Investors may ask themselves these questions: How should I structure my business? Do I capitalize or expense repairs? When is my property placed in service for depreciation purposes? Should I consider a like-kind exchange?
We work with real estate investors to plan asset acquisition and entity formation, to maximize cash flow while minimizing taxes, to assist in answering the rent vs. flip question, and to analyze tax consequences in selling a property.
Questions or Comments?
- PH: 662-349-3100
- FX: 866-519-4790
- EM: Email Us
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